Sustainability, HSE & CI
Open opportunities within the department

Could Sustainability, HSE & CI hold your next opportunity?
As a business, Knauf Insulation is never satisfied to settle. We always want to ask the next question, improving on the as-is and working towards solving the bigger global issues.
Sustainability, HSE and Continuous Improvement are strategic priorities that tie every area of our business together. These teams seek out best-practice, challenge ingrained concepts and push us to be better.
We know that, as a global business, we have a responsibility to our people and to our planet. We want to do the best for both. These teams are focused on ensuring that we have a positive impact and reduce harm, setting the standards for the future.
To thrive in Sustainability, HSE and Continuous Improvement it is an advantage to be:
• Passionate about Sustainability, HSE or CI
• Flexible and with an adaptable work style
• A very good communicator
• Skilled in getting people to work together
• Pragmatic and results-focused
If this sounds like this team could provide an interesting opportunity for you, then take a look at our live opportunities below.
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